
Free delivery seamless
Free delivery seamless

free delivery seamless

  • 45.6% of people say free delivery makes them more likely to buy from an online retailer.
  • Here for the quick version? Here’s the top figures: Free Delivery Statistics – Our Top Findings And while huge powerhouse retailers like Amazon can build this into their business model with apparent ease and make it a smart perk of Prime, it’s not something that’s as easy for smaller businesses to replicate. As soon as you’ve answered “how do we deliver?” you need to answer “how much do we charge to deliver?”īuyers have become accustomed to free and fast delivery (thanks, Amazon). It’s not just finding the right provider that’s a challenge either. Get it wrong and you land complaints, poor reviews and a whole lot of customer service headaches. Get it right and you offer your customers a slick and seamless buying experience.

    free delivery seamless

    It can be make or break for ecommerce businesses in terms of customer satisfaction, reviews and even margins on those low average order value sales.

    Free delivery seamless